As a leader (you are one, if you know anyone- because you influence them, and leadership is influence, you can suck at it or you can practice it) you are obligated to see things from a different perspective than your fellow man.
Recently graduating from college and having my first shot at working full time (usually more than full time) I have received tons of advice, books, and various paraphernalia all trying to get me to advance in life, most of all this, is goal-oriented. I have found however that goals, when that's all you have, turn men into monsters. We focus on getting stuff done, and not the journey and adventure the goal creates. This is not to say we are not to have goals- in fact I have them, however I have taken the next necessary step to "lay out my pack" for the next day's hike.
In boy scouts, they teach you about the ten essentials- ten items that are needed to sustain human life outside of cities. So whenever we'd hike, whether it be a day hike or a 50 miler, we would have those things (of course in larger quantities for the 50 miler). Which brings me to my point- how big are your goals? Are they God-given? Then why have you not taken the necessary steps to prepare for them? Setting aside daily prayer time for them? Securing non-wavering devotion everyday by getting on your knees and in the Word to expect revelation and strength from God? I look at my goals and they are far off, but I know at least one is up in 3 years, am I any closer to becoming the man necessary to meet it? This particular one requires such passion and zeal for God, as well as a complete revamping of my character before Him- and I rely on Him to do that, but I also know that it would be much less difficult a surgery if I let it take place over time and not wait until the last minute. In real life, late night homework assignments suck just as much as in school life- but the importance of these assignments are one-hundred fold what they were in academia. When you grow, do it evenly in the five purposes, it takes longer, but you will have a wider, safer expanse to praise God throughout.
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