Defining each, to balance them better:
Worship- Being aware of God constantly, and giving Him praise through song, prayer, and being in communication with Him through the Word.
Fellowship- Gathering with believers, in a way that will grow each other relationally in trust and brotherhood, but with a clever dash of fun to keep the scene alive.
Discipleship- Pouring ourselves into the next generation of believers, or even the next generation of your vocation. Also, it is a good idea to have someone pouring into you as well.
Evangelism- outreach into the community and the rest of the world, telling others the Gospel by word and action, a general principle to keep us from a retreat into the sanctuaries keeping with our fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Ministry- using your SHAPE (talents and personality type things) to serve the body of Christ. This could be in the form of a homeless ministry, or helping out on tech arts- or simply just being a ministering agent to individuals who have a need within the body of Christ.
Notice, every single one is mostly a duty to serve others. Thus in this, we fulfill our mission.
Do you believe that to be an accurate definition of Worship?
Of course add Romans 12:1, but I ask you Mr. Boyd- what do you think of in your head as you go about your day in sacrifice? For me, the Psalms rattle off, and various personal prayers. I think its a sorry excuse of preaching a lot of pastors do for this verse when they leave it room for the person to do anything they darn well please- just do it for God, because the dilution of the Word when this is preached. Sure I pee for the glory of God, but it constantly involves those things while in the realm of the mind.
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