Saturday, August 30, 2008

In The Beginning

Much has gone through my head as of late, but driving up El Toro road with Santiago Peak and Saddleback Church in full view one thing smacked me upside the head, it was something God has been trying to teach me for 4 years:

My one mission in life is to provide enough material to keep this media generation occupied with truth, and not lies. For so long I have tried to figure out the formula to make money out of my exploits as a filmmaker and writer, when that is not the plan. That formula sought to be failsafe where no one could touch the money supply through competition within the same industry- now I welcome any who wish to stand with me, even if it means we're in "competition" because it is a daunting task, but I believe it is God's will and therefore we must act.

Films with integrity, bible studies with relevance, and a network of like-hearted individuals, all furthering the Kingdom of God through their various dreams made reality. I could really care less if you wish to contend with me for the seat of who provides material and gets the "dollar" I just know that this world is filled with entertainment that pumps us with lies, a hyper-reality has been created that we strive for but will never obtain. Our material must reflect a reality that is obtainable as well as having it give glory to the One who provides all: Jesus Christ.

I call myself the Purpose Driven Poster Child because all of this is accomplished through Jesus Christ's grace and blessing on my life, Rick Warren happened to coin terms for Jesus' own principles, and seeing as I'm an employee, member, as well as partaker in the vision that is Saddleback Church- I do my best to live by what is taught there. It is through those principles, Jesus', and their balancing in our individual lives, that this will be accomplished

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